i can finish reading offline. It's a nice way to learn (especially during the pandemic) and is generally good at explaining concepts. Showed material in great depth with a step-by-step guide to walk you through difficult material. Very easy to use and understandable. With the unfortunate events of COVID-19, it provided a reliable source of learning. Annoying but I can understand why we have it. However, I truly wish the book wouldn't disappear after the semester. I enjoy the interactive aspect of the site that is not paralleled in any regular physical textbook. But students want more, and we get it. It was an effective way to learn the material. Love how it works, it allows me to enter code and test it out here. Great information. Ready to see zyBooks in action? Being able to make notes directly on the labs would be beneficial to studying for exams. I think its a good aspect to have in the classroom. Much more engaging and helpful than a physical textbook, I think it's a really good way to learn and reinforce the basics, It's a lot of work but it teaches you the information you need to know to understand. Go to Zybooks (or refresh the page). Zybook has been a handy tool and has helped me understand the concepts thoroughly. The zyBook is more available than a textbook, and the interactive modules are more efficient than flipping to an appendix to see what was right or wrong. Link: Student survey Basics A loop commonly must iterate a specic number of times, such as 10 times. The animations and mid text quizzes seriously help reinforce and sometimes clear up readings and help cement the readings in my head. I didnt really like it, it doesnt explain the concepts really well. The approach zyBooks took me through to learn the same material was leagues ahead of my learning experience last year. I like the information it covers, but I do wish it was more detailed. This mentality has come back to bite me this semester. gives the answers for the challenge problems, so if the user doesn't know the answer, the user will be able to see and understand the problem better, and the user will do better next time. I am usually against the use of online textbooks, I find them hard to navigate (I also dislike looking at a computer screen for long periods of time reading but that isn't relevant). I am so beyond grateful for having zyBooks for this course. I like how it is very interactive and the animation is very helpful. I believe if zybooks had videos inputted into the class it would be easier to learn. Fast and interactive way of learning. However, this time around, I feel like I am actually learning because I am getting feedback on my programs from zyBooks and I am actually able to check my learning with the questions and activities in the course. Because the participation activity completion was not part of our grade, I did not use them except for some cases where I wanted to solidify my knowledge on a topic. The content is great and is easy to use. I am hoping that zybooks is not used in my upcoming classes. Instructors can mix and match zyBooks and can combine multiple "catalog zyBooks into one zyBook." Fill in short answers for you. I like that I can correct questions I got wrong. Reading and homework exercises are well thought. zyBooks was an an extremely helpful resource during the semester when classes were in session on campus. Very easy to use and learn. The interactivity and the sample questions makes the learning process much more engaging and efficient. I actually love zyBooks because it encourages learning and doesn't penalize you for wrong answers. On top of that, the interface and problem descriptions, more often than not, are confusing to newcomers (One recurring example: People not knowing what input() really does, because they never interacted with a program, and trying to assign the value from the example in the description in the promp, and then printing what actually is an input from the user, etc). The activities really helped with the understanding of the topics. Most of the time I learn easier using zyBooks than my professor. Work is also explained thoroughly, which helps to correct mistakes that may have happened. I like zybook and the fact that the sections are pretty condensed while still giving you interactive practice. I love the concept, particularly fitting for computer science. I thought it was helpful. Many students dont pay for textbooks: In a survey we conducted in classes using a regular textbook, 30% admitted to illegally downloading pdf, and another 20% to not acquiring the book at all. It is much more engaging than reading a 1,300 page textbook. I did not expect the level of learning which I did from zyBooks. I love it! My first CS class and also my first time using zyBooks. Their use, compared to traditional reading, requires less time and is less monotonous, as well as often being easier to understand. They do not have clear instructions or teach what to do clearly. The website has a very modern UI, easy to understand lessons, and has simple, yet clear graphics for the needed assistance. I find the graphics to be extremely helpful in learning. I was very pleasantly surprised! It's a very useful website with good technology that helps learning with answering questions. zyBooks combine the power of interactive tools, responsive questions, and animations to provide students with a rich learning experience. It was really helpful in learning materials that were vague during lecture and a good reference point as I was doing homework problems. I think zybooks is a great website and explains the material correctly! You guys are doing great! Pretty good learning platform, has been pretty useful. I believe that zyBooks is the best way to learn, because it is an interactive textbook. zyBooks seems like an improvement over most attempts by textbook companies to make me pay to submit my homework, but at the end of the day, that's still what it is. It explained things in a fun and descriptive way as well. The interactive activities are helpful for learning. Great extra resource to have, though would love for there to be a mobile version. Overall it was fine, just a little boring to read at times. I looked through it I like how I can access the textbook and do homework at the same time. "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Zybooks is really cool, is a smart guy, and doesn't afraid of anything. I appreciated the points system and the multiple checkpoints granted for the chapters; however, I wish that some of the content was more linearly explained. Zybook is amazing! zybooks is bad. Read aboutInstructor SuccessandStudent Success. Great learning platform with it's interactive learning environment. I like zybooks but I am not a big fan of the challenges. On the positive end, the material is easy to learn due to diagrams and other illustrations. Its very helpful in practice and understanding the conceptual end of code. The multiple examples and exercises are great practice. This course is teaching students that you must follow code down to the last newline argument instead of rewarding them for creating functional code. Dale Reed, University of Chicago, Illinois, I liked how each chapter explained a topic well using examples and that we were also asked to implement what we had just read (in challenge activities) to ensure that we really understood the concept.
zyBooks is easy to use and I enjoy it. So here I am. The participation and challenges are very nice. Try some of our live questions and see for yourself. I would suggest prompting the survey later in the learning as it will provide more value-added responses from learners versus premature opinions, such as mine. Was really intuitive and ran smoothly, basically what an interactive textbook should strive to be. I think its a better alternative to online classes since it explains things relatively concisely however, i prefer actual classes. I think it is a helpful resource that allows me to learn at my own pace and work through things slowly without worrying about my grade dropping. Becoming the bad guy. I like the organization of the textbook including the animations to demonstrate the subject matter, all in all this is a useful text that should be integrated for all subjects. I like zyBooks a lot because I can always go back and study material that I haven't fully grasped yet. Some to the point where I had to look at other sources for the answer. Some instructors say students wont want to pay, especially given the rise of free materials (OER). I'm finding it very helpful especially with the illustrations and animations. I think it is helpful for me to understand. The interactive reading makes learning new topics just that much easier! The participation activities are a great help when I don't understand a topic all that well, but sometimes the challenge activities can be quite tough for a beginner. The reading introduces the concept and the practice teaches it. I just started my Software Dev degree at WGU in July. Huge waste of my valuable time. So since the week before spring break when all classes when to the online format, the zyBooks assignments and exercises were INCREDIBLY helpful. Super easy to use and has very cool visual/video/interactive examples. Very easy to use and the problems provided in the textbook help me practice and understand the material better! It gives you the hands on experience while also still talking through it thoroughly. I think it is a great interactive tool to teach mathematics. It was a nice website to use to turn in the assignments and it was easy to find chapters and was really easy to participate in class with the assignments. I really like it, the labs are very well explained, participation activities keep it dynamic. It has numerous spelling and grammar errors as well as confusing material. I enjoy stepping through the processes and practicing the code. The way zyBooks explains concepts was great for me. I think it helps me to understand the class materials because it has very good examples. I took this class the previous semester, and for the entire time, I really just had no idea what was going on in terms of how I could implement what I had learned in class to solve a problem. I think zyBooks is good, I wish instructors would utilize the testing system more, CS test are hard to deal with due to subjectiveness. Zybooks modules enhanced my learning and understanding. They help me understand things better. I really like the interactive part of zyBooks. zyBooks is freaking awesome. I'm very pleased with the interactivity, which helps my engagement. Very useful in a supplement to lectures. In fact, I got my professor to reach out to a zyBooks rep that hooked me up with a subscription to the Computer Science II zyBooks. Thank you. It is pretty useful for learning ans studying, but sometimes the assignments on here are over material we never really went over. Extremely helpful resource and easy to navigate. Seems like busy work. Watch this quick video to see how zyBooks bridges barriers between instructors and students, re-energizing the classroom and yielding stronger academic results. I had to BREAK THE PROGRAM in order to get it to pass the testing mechanisms in zyBooks. Summed up: Zybooks is very bad for interaction and understanding, but the actual content and definitions are fine. Very good way to engage with material. Tell me and I forget. Zybook is a very easy to use, instructional book which can give a lot of information in a short amount of time. They contain the same core concepts as a traditional textbook, but present them in a more engaging way. It is very easy to log in and complete assignments. It was so helpful having learning activities right under the information to enforce it. Zybooks helps reinforce concepts taught in class without being overbearing. Informative and helpful in learning new programming languages. But it is ok stressfu. I was using Codecademy but I have some GI Bill left, so I figured I might as well use. We did do the following: The survey was available to students across all zyBooks subjects, which includes various CS subjects like programming, discrete math, computer organization, digital design, etc., as well as some math, engineering, and more. For example, when trying to read an example where a diagram is near the start of the example problem, one is constantly needing to scroll up and down the page, and thus difficult to follow along the example in an efficient manner. Also, scaffolding opportunities would be extremely helpful with the ending coding exercises. I enjoyed zyBooks because it is interactive. It really helped me learn more about Python. I have never experienced another resource that met my needs as well as zyBoooks. I like it a lot! The website was useful as learning material, and my course relied heavily on it. It is only when they have you apply it that everything goes out the window. The coding portion of the assignments is awful. Easy to navigate. I like it so far. It is also a lot easier to review and practice material. It is a very useful, easy to use resource for learning the course material. I like the exercises are interactive and worked into the material. By being shorter sections it sometimes trades off some depth for much quicker intake of the material. ZyBooks is very efficent for learning the content for my class. It was helpful, organized in a good, easy to understand way. It was helpful for making sure I understood conceps, could be harder to just bs putting in effort. It is very easy to follow and very organized. It has been as useful as any other traditional textbook interface, if not better. I think it conveys material in a way that is easily understood. The zybooks allow the student an interactive way to complete homework assignments and learn the material. I think that it is beneficial to my learning, but I learn by doing more than reading, such as labs. At first I thought having to pay for a book for coding was really dumb since almost all information is available on the internet anyway and my class already has a structure and planning but honestly zyBooks did help nail down some concepts but what it did most was let me see things in different forms then what my instructor did and that gave me a better understanding of how things work and better let me form my own system and ideas on how to format and use code. Since syntax is an important aspect of coding, zyBook's activities make for a valuable tool because the material is more enticing than the traditional textbook format. I thought the material was too trivial, though I am a fairly experienced programmer and others may have been more challenged. The integrated interpreter and the ways it is used with the material enhances the learning experience in a very powerful way. Instead of assigning regular textbook problems, I like how my teacher assigns the lessons from the zyBook for a more interactive experience. Could be interesting, however, the material is often redundant, and already covered. Its helpful could be more helpful with fewer assignments. This is my third or fourth zybooks experience and I have always been happy with them. Katherine Murphy, Student, Clemson University, zyBooks gives just the right level of content for students learning to program, packaged in an interactive online experience that also allows for instructor customization. I think its a pretty good program. Driving the engine behind zyBooks are instructors who know that students learn by doing. I do not think I could have learned any other way. I don't think the material was that bad, it was pretty comprehensive for what I needed to learn; however I think my dislike came from the fact that this is the only way our professor gave assignments and it became INCREDIBLY tedious to finish all the labs. Thanks for listening to me then and now! It was such good practice. I learn well through it. 3.2 For loops Survey The following questions are part of a zyBooks survey to help us improve our content so we can offer the best experience for students. I would use this if I were a professor. We hear this from community colleges, 4-year teaching or research universities, top-10 schools, and more. I liked the interactive element of zyBooks, however for the assignments there were some elements that sometimes felt redundant or too time-consuming. It provides examples and a framework for topics that make it easier to learn the material. It would be helpful if the print function worked. It is easier to use than the previous websites I've used, but the only issue I see is that I can just click until I have the right answer. This is ultimately okay because after having a foundation to work with, it is easier to build upon it with more formal material or more technical explanations. I love zyBooks but it can be hit or miss with some courses. I like how the material is followed by exercises to reinforce what was learned. Then, the follow up questions were fair and relevant. A very convenient platform to access information about the course. Just enough to get me through the class. Zybooks is nice to force you to read and learn. The formatting of the material in a more portrait page layout similar to textbooks does not work well on computer monitors.