Building an outdoor octagonal gazebo is a fun and easy project, if you use the right plans, techniques and materials. A gazebo is a structure that makes it easier for you to enjoy the beautiful scenery in your home. Who wouldnt like an octagonal gazebo in their garden? The first step is to . Center the rafters, drill pilot holes and insert 3 1/2 screws to lock everything together tightly. Adorn It With Shingles, Shingles, And More Shingles. A truss distributes the weight of the roof evenly on all the wooden parts and holds the roof sturdily. Use metal joist hardware to lock them into position and drive in several screws. Before you begin, prepare the hub-the center member against which the tops of the rafters will rest. However, you still need to account for the thickness of the hip rafter so that the jack layout remains true. (6) You can use a chainsaw to cut the top pieces, which were also 6x6 treated. First, you should install the bottom rail, using 24 redwood. Toe nail each rafter to the fascia ring and the spire. by 1-18-in., then beveled at a 45 angle. Dig the mounds of soil and fill in the holes. How does it make your outdoors more beautiful? This woodworking venture requires many carpentry skills, so we recommend you to ask a skilled friend to assist you, if you dont have an extensive expertise in this field. The inner layer should be placed with shingles facing upside down, while on the top layer the shingles go with the right side up. This is why Ive compiled 10 of the best gazebo roofing ideas and options thatll help you build a roof that suits your style! The room should be a minimum of 55 tiles so you have enough space to decorate it and even place a Hot Tub if you like. Assemble the outside ring first. Inspect the center octagon frame for stability before beginning this process. However, retailers also offer smaller options like 10-by-12 and 10-by-10. 8-116-in. 9-1516-in.) Irrespective of your choice, we recommend you to take accurate measurements and to make proper cuts with circular saw. There is another option for shingling the roof. In the end, you should have four supports (wooden posts). With the jacks laid out from each side of the common rafter, both (and therefore all) jack rafters will be the same length, but with opposite cheek cuts. Read More : Browse Gazebo Plans. She writes in her blog, the one you are visiting right now, where she shares her love for landscaping, gardening, and outdoor design. Theyre likewise among the easiest roofing materials to install, which means you dont have to worry about hiring an expensive contractor if you know the basics of DIY. How About An Ancient Favorite: An Octagonal Gazebo Roof? After all the hard work, shingling the roof will be a breeze. Because the octagon walls are only 4 ft. long, there will be only two jack rafters per wall. Outside Living. Expert insights on techniques and principles. Let us know in the comments. I used 77 tiles for this tutorial. Not to mention, gazebo plans might have different shapes. This 10 foot by 12 foot kit features a weather-resistant canopy and netting. These plans include clear building instructions with a shopping list, tool list, cut list, and. A ridge board runs from the apex of one truss to the apex of another truss. There are two concentric octagons. Gazebo Plan with . The side traverses should run along the longer side of the structure. Step 2 - Place a fence instead of the wall to make the room open to the outdoors. Then you can plant a nice hanging plant with long leaves to cover the concrete container. And dont forget to share with your friends! After you have installed the floor of the outdoor gazebo, using our free plans, you should build the frieze. All of our gazebo plans are custom made, and custom designed using the latest and greatest CAD software packages available. Step by Step Guide to Building a Rectangular Gazebo, How to Build a Gazebo With a Kit (Octagonal Gazebo). Smart tip: Protect the octagonal gazebo from rot, by applying several coats of wood stain. I personally believe that wooden roofs are the perfect choice if you have a backyard full of trees and flowers primarily because they further complement its natural look. Therefore, if you want a simple, straightforward, easy-to-install roof for your gazebo, flat roofs may be your answer. The dimensions of a 9ft octagon canopy will be approximately 9 6 tall. Follow the same procedure that you had used while installing the previous traverses. Since its heavier than a square one, youll need to install a king post right in the middle of your structurethats crucial. Gazebo 10ft Octagon Assembly Sequence from Outdoor Living Today 2016 Outdoor Living Today 66.1K subscribers Subscribe 9.6M views 6 years ago 10ft Bayside Gazebo by Outdoor Living Today Assembly. LIKE us on Facebook to be the first that gets our latest updates and submit pictures with your DIY projects. Smart tip:When designing the frieze, you should get the inspiration from the elements of your house, or try to match it with the gazebo railings. Continue the installation by attaching the 3-tab shingles in a professional manner. Standard post size 4"-5". Framing Project Guide. Assemble the frame with removable cross bracing through the center to hold it ridged while the rafters are installed. 11/16-in. Drive it in 18 inches. Smart tip: Install a concrete footing in the center of the gazebo, to support the weight of the floor. If you want to see more outdoor plans, we recommend you to check out the rest of our step by step projects. What more could you want? Octagonal gazebo plans like this one make amazing outdoor structures for either a large or small yard. Use a table saw to cut off the octagonal kingpost using a 44 post, or buy one from your local diy store. The Octagon Layout Calculator is a great carpenter's tool for laying out a perfect octagon. How do you build an octagonal gazebo roof? Dont forget to share our projects with your friends, by using the social media widgets. 1. A backyard gazebo gives you a more sheltered and intimate space. The main roof is framed similarly to the single tiered roof. . The Garden Rustic Octagon Gazebo is one of the most simple and cost effective octagonal gazebos to build. Nail the shingles with several roofing nail, leaving about 1 from the edge. Folly Gazebos: The prettiest among the lot, folly gazebos are purely ornamental. The wall of the gazebo should be installed one inch from the edge of the floor. Cut a birds mouth in each rafter and miter the upper end to fit flush against the octagon center frame. Learn how your comment data is processed. This makes it easier for you to fix the walls of the gazebo. By adjusting the same plan-view triangle used to calculate the run of the hip, you can determine the run of the jack. Each side looks quite similar to a mini pyramid. A rectangular gazebo might require 6, and an octagonal one 9. Measure between each base post and used 2x6's to determine the angle needed for each top 6x6. Find My Store. You should leave the concrete dry for at least 12 hours. They should rest on the two traverses found on both ends of the wooden gazebo. Mix it up and choose a flat roof instead, similar to several Gazebo Penguin solariums Ive reviewed before. (2) Were going to be setting six 10 foot 6x6 treated posts, so you need to get down a good three feet in the ground. Build the rafters from 24 lumber, cutting the ends at about 25. . Building a hip roof for a gazebo is not as difficult as it may seem at first. While the fist solution is ideal for permanent constructions, the second alternative is recommended if you want to move the gazebo. For added strength, use metal rebar in the concrete flooring. In order to get the job done in a professionally manner and quickly, we recommend you to assemble the frieze on ground level (after you took accurate measurements) and then install them into place by toenailing the top and bottom rail to the 44 posts. To make your gazebo stand out, place a small wooden or acrylic decorative element, a bird, a star, etc. The roof of a gazebo can be its most defining visual element. Drill pilot holes trough the rafters and insert 3 1/2 screws into the king post. Mounting hardware included. The rafters on the roof side of the turret are cut flush with the plate. Simplicity at its finest! Battens are wooden boards, which are used to hold other parts of the roof. Tip: For a professional result, you should put two layers of asphalt shingles on the roof. On top of the freedom of variety, roofing shingles are incredibly cost-effective, energy-efficient, and require little to no maintenance. First, cut a 66 king post (4" high) and secure it into place by installing two opposite rafters, with 4" screws (toenail the rafters to the king post). Place the shingles with the tabs upwards, secure them with galvanized nails, and make sure the rows overlap to make the water drain faster. 1 Build the posts. Rafter tails can be cut for fascia, or left long and cut with a decorative detail as described in the single tiered roof section. Therefore, you have to place the skids on concrete footings, as in the image. You can attach the tar paper with nails, or you can staple it in place. You will need 4 large posts for the corners. This how to (d.i.y) video will show you how you can make perfect octagons. Keep those pesky bugs away by building a screened-in wooden gazebo measuring 12 feet by 12 feet. PRESS Diag = 3 ft. 1-316-in. 2023 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. If you didnt put in a king post while building the gazebo, dont worry. (1) Measure out a hexagon and marked where all the posts would be. Cut the inside octagon with 45 miters at each end. Planning to build a gazebo but not quite sure of what roofing design to use? Lag bolt them to the posts and toenail each end where it meets the inside face of the outside octagon. Building the Gazebo: First Steps. This step by step outdoor project is about gazebo roof framing. The task doesnt require heavy tools, so you probably have what you need already. Then I add the remaining six commons, followed by the hip rafters and jacks. Therefore, we recommend you to use construction or deck redwood, cedar or pressure treated lumber, as they are designed for outdoor use. If theres a significant problem, I even it out with a cordless planer. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Then I cut all the parts and assemble the roof on the deck, next to its intended location. To secure the rafters, youll have to make a notch in the top part of each perimeter post. Make sure you use professional tools and quality materials, if you want to obtain a neat result. Next, use 24 redwood boards and build the top rail of the outdoor gazebo. How to Build a DIY Cedar Planter Box in 4 Easy Steps, How to Repair A Canvas Gazebo Canopy (3 Methods), Make a DIY Self-Watering Planter Box Without Engineering PhD, Top rails: 8 pieces of 2 x 4 lumber with a length of 57 . This cedar wood gazebo has a premium cedar wood frame that was harvested responsibly and is FSC Certified. Your job is almost done. Therefore, you have to use a spirit level and brace the posts, before driving in the 3 long screws. After building the king post, you need to lock it into place with a 44 post (138 long). Instead, you can anchor the king post using a concrete container or a large flowerpot. You can also fill the container with rocks and earth, but concrete keeps it in place better. In order to lock them into position, you could either toenail them with 4 screws, or use corner brackets. Make sure that the screws are long enough to hold different pieces of timber. Start with placing the posts. Calculate the hip-rafter length Enter adjusted common run (4 ft. 3-7/16-in.). Rough sawn lumber does not require painting and it gives off an appealing rustic look. Once you get a suitable design for your wooden gazebo, print it on a large piece of paper. How to Build a Hip Roof for a Gazebo . Shingles are among my favorite gazebo roofing options because they come in many designs, colors, and textures. Top Tip: Alternatively, you could cut triangles from 3/4 plywood and secure them into place with 1 1/2 nails. They will help to stiffen the structure. In this example, the octagon segments are 4 ft. long and combine to create a base width of 9 ft. 7-78-in. Work with attention and with great care, in order to get a professional manner. PRESS Diag to get the adjusted hip run, 5 ft. 11/16-in. from adjusted run (4 ft. 8-116-in). 13.5-ft x 13.5-ft Florence Slate Metal Octagon Screened Gazebo with Steel Roof. Also, follow Nadya on. Alternatively you can paint it in warm colours that would go well with the colour of the floor. This project can cost as low as $4,000 for a single-roof open pine gazebo or as high as $12,500 for a vinyl walled gazebo with screens and a double roof. Roofing boards are used to hold different parts of the roof. The size of your gazebo should be proportional to the size of your yard. Since wooden gazebos have different designs, the floor of gazebos can be built from different materials. Half-moon shapes cut from 2x4 with a band saw create an open rail section between the two octagons. For one, they create a gorgeous open-air environment that magnifies the filtration of natural light into your gazebo. All rights reserved. A total of eight common and eight hip rafters make a roof with a 20-in-12 pitch. Afterwards, you should build the railings of the gazebo. The expense isnt worth it if youre not big on home improvement projects. Make sure that the base is completely level. I am looking forward to seeing your projects! Lock the shingles into place with galvanized nails, making sure the next row covers them. Due to the turrets location, only half of the rafters are extended into tails that form the soffit. Install rafters one at a time, installing opposing rafters to support the octagon. But dont use anything too heavy, the roof weighs enough as it is. Cut Out Gazebo Pieces Start by cutting the top and bottom panels and six walls. Cut your eight full length rafters to size. You can take the design to a skilled woodwork professional, then ask him/her to cut wood pieces. Jack run (1 ft. After drawing the plan and figuring out the various framing lengths and angles, I pick the best stock for one common rafter to use as a pattern for the rest. Viewing 1-16 of 46: Items Per Page: 1 2 3 : Plan 050X-0001. (5) Made sure each post is plumb and level before setting them with concrete. These can be whatever height or distance between that you like, but we recommend 12 ft (3.7 m) long, 4 by 4 in (10 by 10 cm) beams. Fix the battens from the bottom part of your roof, then move towards the apex of your roof. To mark the hips birds mouths, slide the framing square along the plumb line until the HAP (height above plate) reads the same as the common rafter. Lay out. Corrugated iron roofing is another popular choice among homeowners, primarily due to its extreme durability. Standard sizes available 8' - 20' Octagon. After that, raise the joints and insert the core wooden block. Raise the wooden beams, then place them on the corner posts. And most of the time, building it yourself is still cheaper than ordering a kit and putting it up. It is simple to measure an octagon canopy by extending a tape measure from the end tip of one rib, up over the top of the fabric, across the base of the finial, and down to the end of the opposite rib. Last of all, they make and cover the roof. The above image depicts a four-sided gazebo roof, arguably one of the most popular roofing styles found in gazebos. In this post, we are going to show you to build a gazebo. Work with great care as to take accurate measurements and cut them using a table saw or a circular saw. ALL wood pressure treated. Hello Richie! After that, get the necessary materials that are required to build the gazebo in your garden. Smart tip:Plumb the posts with a spirit level and brace them on two sides, before inserting the screws. Therefore, start the installation from the bottom of the roof, after fitting the drip edges. Another great thing about wooden roofs is that theyre easy to repair and replace. This small octagonal gazebo is placed right in the backyard of a home surrounded by the backyard garden. Install two rafters against each flat face of the octagon and one at each corner of the roof. ), then PRESS Run. Become a member and get instant access to thousands of videos, how-tos, tool reviews, and design features. Ive actually written an entire post about it! Consult your plan for length and miter angle. There are many types of foundation you could use when building a gazebo, starting with a sturdy concrete slab up to using skids. The procedure is straightforward, if you use the right techniques and tools. While you can cut parts of an octagonal gazebo on your own, the whole process can be quite complicated and time-consuming. Overlapping double plates give the base greater strength. The utility companies in your area will dispatch locators to mark buried lines. [tabs tab1=Materials tab2=Tools tab3=Time tab4=Related Plans], Hammer, Tape measure, Framing square, Level, Miter saw, Drill machinery, Screwdriver, Sander. Cut the birds mouths with a jig saw, or reciprocating saw. Each rafter will be attached with one end to a perimeter post and the other to the king post. While not as elaborate, theyll undoubtedly give off a beautiful, dramatic flare to your backyard. To be fit for a foundation, the site must not have debris, grass, roots, and rocks. Nevertheless, we consider that these instructions will give you a better perspective on the construction processes and steps. Side traverses should be placed on the traverses that you had installed earlier on. Required fields are marked *. If you prefer octagonal gazebos to rectangular gazebos, you can build one in your property by assembling pre-designed parts. You can also improve different ideas to come up with a better gazebo plan. Worry not, my friend, for I have the ultimate list for you! Support the octagon from underneath to hold it at the proper height and level. The layout dimension is based on what to measure off each corner of an established square as wide as the gazebo. But youll have to figure out a way not to damage the floor of the gazebo. According to American phrenologist Orson Fowler, the very same man who popularized octagonal houses in the 19th century, an octagons geometry makes it the ideal shape for a gazebo. How would you cut the Kingpost precisely to fit? With at least one strong helper, put the assembly in place at the bottom of the ladder and slide it up the ladder slowly. Lets start this list off with a classic. Center this assembly, making sure the rafters are placed on top of the posts. If youve changed your mind about an octagonal gazebo check the rest of our gazebo ideas for more inspiration. Use 24 wooden boards to build the bottom and top rail of the frieze and 11 redwood to build the small balusters. Go to the local building department, in order to make sure you comply with the legal regulations. Or Go Modern And Add A Solar Panel (or 10)! Here Are The Top Five Ones, 10 Best Resin Shed Reviews For Outdoor- How to Choose A Good Garden Shed, 10 Of The Best Outdoor Garbage Can Storage Ideas for Your Backyard, 150+ Curb Appeal Ideas: An Ultimate Guide For A Car-Stopping Curb, Best Garden Hose Quick Connect Reviews. These gazebo plans are for a wide variety of shapes - such as square, rectangular, hexagonal, and octagonal. PRESS Rise. Please read the FAQs:, Vague instructions for notching 44 for rafters such as how deep and at what angle due to slope of roof. Place the tube forms in the holes and fill them with concrete. Step 2 - Choosing a Gazebo Plan Purchase an octagon gazebo plan from a qualified designer. These semi-covered roofs offer about 85 percent coverage, similar to what trees provide when youre under their shade. Alternatively, you could also toenail them, but you have to fill the screw holes with wood putty. This requires a bit more work, but the end result is spectacular. For an octagonal gazebo, its a must. In fact, the octagonal turret is simply a continuation of a 45 bay-window roof, which I had successfully built many times. Framing a roof for an octagon gazebo is not a difficult process, although it might look very complex at first glance. Three pieces of 2x stock cut a couple of inches longer than the hip plumb cut are ripped and beveled to form the octagonal ridge block that measures 3-34-in. Its subtle, straightforward, and effortless to build. Fire Pit Gazebo Swingset (Step By Step Pictures). Depending on the size of your yard, and your own building skills, as well as the anticipated use of the Gazebo, there are many different Gazebo plans out there to choose from. The roof assembly puts a lot of downward pressure in a very small area. Install the long pieces first. Build it from scratch Building one from scratch requires excellent carpentry skillsand a good set of plans. 1010 Gazebo Plans - dimensions. How to build an octagonal gazebo roof step by step, Step 4 Framing the roof of the octagonal gazebo, Step 5 Build the bottom layer of the roof. Here Are The Factors That Affect Tractor Weight, What Are The Best Gazebo Flooring Ideas? As you can see in the image, the rafters should overhang about 6-10. A rafter is a triangular wooden structure that supports the roof. Step 1 - Draw the Gazebo floor with the Custom Room Tool. As you can notice in the image, you need to start with building the rafters from 26 lumber. After getting this step done, you should install the asphalt shingles. Most home centers will cut the plywood to size for you. If thats whats stopping you from building the gazebo of your dreams, weve got you covered. Level and secure it with screws then lay the decking. = 1 ft. 7-18-in. The first step is to snap the turret-wall outline on the third-floor deck. Step 1: Clear the Area. Afterwards, dont forget to fill the holes with wood putty. Not to mention, various websites offer you different plans with detailed diagrams that guide you while you building a gazebo. The inside edge of each post piece will be cut at 22 , so that they fit together to form the corner. The materials you can use for flat roofs are practically limitless. This is why I decided to share some of my favorite gazebo roofing ideas with my lovely readers. Flatten the ground with a large heavy roller. (7) Used large lag screws to secure the top braces into the posts. On the other hand, as in the case of any woodworking project, you have to take accurate measurements, otherwise the parts might not fit together properly. WELLFOR. Let the concrete cure before continuing. Alternatively you can use pick walls, set a desired Overhang on the Options Bar (just make sure your walls are forming a good octagon first). Place the decking boards on the base that you created earlier on. Remove the sod with a rented sod cutter. Cut lumber planks to fit over the ladder steps to create a bed for your ramp. As you can see in the picture, the rafters should protrude from the arbor by 15-25 cm . Fasten them to the tops of the posts and to each other at each corner. Building a roof for an octagonal gazebo is a complex project that requires professional plans and tools. Smart tip: When installing the top rail, make sure you use a spirit level, otherwise the railings wont have a neat look. Exposed wood premium #1 pressure treated. The metal roof is powder coated for rust-resistance and will last season after season. Remember that the decking boards should join exactly over the middle of the joists, as in the image.