The game is a VR horror game that puts you in the shoes of a ghost hunter. 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Bam Bam Cam 262 subscribers Subscribe 53K views 10 months ago Follow along to this video to learn how to play Phasmophobia in vr on the. You can play the game on your Oculus Quest using either a link cable or wireless connection. Simply select the one you installed by pressing the trigger on either controller. It has outstanding. Face Your Fears 2 on Oculus Quest | Oculus You asked for it! In both cases, Phasmophobia will launch, and you will be able to play it on an Oculus Quest 2 headset. There is a listing of GPU compatible hardware at the bottom you should take a look at. Phasmophobia does ask that you put on a headset for more immersion. Then put on your headset and hold down the menu button on the right-hand side of the device. This will help ensure that your experience is as smooth and lag-free as possible. Question for you. However, they plan to do so only after early access. How to Get & Play Phasmophobia VR on Oculus Quest 2 (Wireless), Also, try to be in a room as close to your router as possible, Scroll down and check if you are on the latest version, If its v37, then make sure your headset is also on the same version, Press on the Oculus button on the right controller, Now make sure the same pairing code is shown on your PC app, Enjoy the game on your Oculus Quest 2 headset. If youre looking to get your Oculus Quest 2 and play some Phasmophobia, then youre in luck. Phasmophobia can be played on the Oculus Quest 2 using the Air Link feature of the Oculus. During my free time, I like to immerse myself in the world of virtual and augmented reality, which I believe will be more and more prominent in the years to come. Then you can use the Steam VR to connect with your Oculus Quest 2 and play the game in one of the preferred methods of your choice. This ghost-hunting simulator keeps the players on their toes while providing an enjoyable experience simultaneously. This includes the switch from SteamVR to OpenXR and a unity engine update. To use Air Link, you must first download the Oculus desktop program. When you toggle on the Air Link on both devices, it automatically connects with each other, enabling you to play the game through a wireless connection. Under the General tab, enable the Air Link option. The game is very intense and requires a lot of concentration. Now that you know how to play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2, check out what Spirit Box questions you can ask. Phasmophobia was initially released with a couple of bugs and glitches that made setting it up with a VR headset a difficult task. Your VR headset will prompt you to "Allow access to data," select deny. Go to Appearance > Customize > Subscribe Pop-up to set this up. You have entered an incorrect email address! You'll need a VR compatible PC + either Link or Virtual Desktop as well. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. This also includes the shift from SteamVR to OpenXR, along with an update for the unity engine. If you make the right guess, you get additional pay, which can then be used to buy better ghost-hunting equipment. However, these should not affect gameplay too much and should not take away from the overall experience. All The EXCLUSIVE PlayStation VR 2 GAMES [2023], [MAC M1] How To Play Roblox VR On Oculus Quest 2 With MAC M1, 20 Best VR HORROR Games: Scariest Titles To Play Right Now, Top 18 Best Kids Oculus Quest 2 Games VR Games Kids Love, How to Download & Install Oculus ADB Drivers On WINDOWS 11, TOP 3 Best FIGHTING / BOXING GAMES For Oculus Quest 2 [2022], 12 Best Local Multiplayer Games On Meta Quest 2 [2023], How To Play CYBERPUNK 2077 In VR On Oculus Quest 2 [FREE], How To Play Roblox VR Hands On Oculus Quest 2 [FREE 2023], How To Play CYBERPUNK 2077 In VR Using VorpX VR Mod [FREE]. Open the Quick Settings Panel and now, you can see the, You can see your PC listed, select your PC and click, After selecting your PC, a pairing code will appear in your Quest, make a note of that code, Now, on your PC Oculus app, a pairing code will appear, Click, After Confirming the pairing code, click on. To play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2, you have two options: a Link cable or Air Link. I played it on my Oculus Quest and it was a blast. Publisher - Always Right Answers To Community. There is no clear release date from Kinetic Games when theyll never put Phasmophobia on the Oculus Quest Store. In short, Phasmophoiba is among the top most popular Steam VR games, so that alone is enough reason for the game to eventually release on Quest 2. Youll always be alarmed when the lights start flickering in the middle of your investigation! Be prepared for anything, as things can jump out at you at any moment. The game offers realistic gameplay with tools such as EMF readers, spirit boxes, smudge sticks, salt, and thermometers. The Air Link feature does have its drawbacks. Whether or not you can play this popular horror game on Oculus Quest is a common question. If you like being scared so much that a secondary pair of underpants is regarded as an essential kit, then it makes sense to try and immerse yourself as deeply as possible in this game. This game is not playable without one. Get acquainted with upcoming games while also receiving in-depth information about evergreen ones. Scary games are extremely fun to play, but have you tried playing one in VR? Please read the following rules before commenting: Save my nickname and email in this browser for the next time I comment. The Oculus Quest 3 is on its way - although not until 2023, if current rumours are to be believed. How to make a potion of. Stealth Optional is supported by its audience. I personally recommend having a specific router like the ASUS AX5400 in which only your Meta Quest 2 is connected. Collect all the evidence and properly deduce the ghost type then leave with your life in tact. In order to use the Link Cable, it's worth making sure your PC meets the recommended minimum specs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Whether wired or not, playing Phasmophobia with the Oculus Quest 2 can definitely be achieved, pretty easily. So, with that out of the way, lets check out how to do it! It's a pvp game where you go head to head with other Wizards to take them down. If you get easily scared or have trouble with enclosed spaces, then this might not be the game for you. Phasmophobia is a game that is getting popular by the minute, and VR only enhances its appeal. To connect your headset to the PC, you will need a link cable, which is usually available in most electronic stores. Kinetic Games is working hard to give Phasmophobia a sense of immersion that players will appreciate. However, it's possible that the game might come to the Quest 2 in the future. So, unfortunately, it is not a game that you can simply purchase, download, and install directly onto your headset. Another reason why Phasmophobia on Quest 3 might work is because of the immense success the game garnered in Quest 2. One thing to keep in mind when playing Phasmophobia on the Quest 2 is that because it is wireless, there may be occasional lag or latency issues. So I had to use discord instead. Edit 2: for anyone who finds this comment. Thats everything you need to know about how to get and play Phasmophobia VR on Oculus Quest 2 with Steam. We'll keep our ear to the ground for any updates, and be back to you soon. Quest 2 might be worse than an index in contrast. How to Play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2 Without Cable, Can You Play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2, Can You Play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2 Without a Pc, Can You Play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2 With a Pc, How to Play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2 Wireless, How to Play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2 Virtual Desktop, How to Play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2 Air Link. 2 METHODS: Can You Play BLADE AND SORCERY On Oculus Quest 2? Welcome to /r/VRGaming! But it'll be similar to console ports, we will do it after early access. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It can also result in unnecessary lags and cause texture problems, making the overall game look unpleasant. Once youve done that, return to the main page of Virtual Desktop and click on the Stream button.6. For optimal Air Link performance, Oculus recommends the following: Have your PC connected to your Router/Access Point via Ethernet cable Headset should be connected to Wi-Fi via 5GHz band - AC or. With the recent updates on April 2022, Kinetic Games has done much to overhaul the VR mechanics for Phasmophobia making it easier to set up. As first reported in, in the list of "backlog" goals, they mention a "VR Overhaul". How To ENABLE VR MODE On Roblox? Step into a new virtual world with downloadable games, apps, entertainment, and more. We write Articles on News, Interesting Top 10's and Much Much More! Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Screenshot by Pro Game Guides. Theres really so much to love about what this game has to offer, whether alone or with friends, because of the immersion on display. Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner. Download the Meta Quest mobile app on your phone to set up Meta Quest and Meta Quest Go. But thats how its done! Once your wire is connected, place your headset on your head and click the Link/Oculus Rift mode option on the main menu. Can you play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2? Become a powerful warrior, ranger or sorcerer and devastate your enemies. Ben Lavender, a developer of Phasmophobia, replied to a tweet saying that its something they wanted to do but itll be similar to console release. Heres a step-by-step guide on how to do it: If not, Phasmophobia is the ideal game to begin with. The overall idea of the game is to gather evidence or clues and figure out what type of ghost haunts the property. (Please watch the embedded video below, to perfectly activate The Oculus Air Link), If youre just stepping into VR Then these games might help: Top 15 Best BEGINNER Oculus Quest 2 Games To PLAY FIRST. Smart Glasses Hub a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to .Of course, since there will be no exclusive Quest 2 games for a while, original Oculus Quest owners will be able to play Phasmophobia too. We're still waiting to hear more on Oculus Quest (or Meta Quest 3), but we're hoping that Phasmophobia is heading over to the platform, especially after such success on Quest 2. i use Virtual Desktop Wi-fi 5 ghz and everything is perfect without jokes. The game runs smoothly on any kind of VR headset, wired or wireless, which is definitely a plus. So a weird example but the best I know of, "the pug" from vrchat, is a very low contrast world, everything is kinda middle grey, so in the index it becomes way obvious I'm "missing out", it feels flat and it's kinda obvious it was designed on an oled like the vive. So you may notice that the game won't play as smoothly if you go down this route. Youll need to use your wits and reflexes to survive as you venture into haunted locations to gather evidence of paranormal activity. At the end of 2021, a VR rework is listed as part of a 2022 Major Update Roadmap. Players should avoid running into the chairs or trash can if they get stuck on them for too long. However, it can also trigger the ghost to begin hunting, so you might want to use the board strategically. You will need to be brave and have nerves of steel to make it through the game. To play Phasmophobia on the Oculus Quest 2 wirelessly, you will need the Air Link feature of Oculus. There is a lot of speculation that this will be improved in the Quest 2 in the future, but that's a lot of money to spend ($300 for the base Quest 2 + $80 for the cable) on speculation. The Air Link feature enables you to play the game on Steam without the need for any additional cables or wires. to stay compatible with old quest games it needed to keep the 72hz or whatever it was, but they wanted to up things to 90 hz to have a better experience for new games, as far as I know it's only LCD tech that can be driven at multiple rates. But it makes the horror game much more enjoyable! Riot Games' tactical shooter Project A was confirmed as Valorant and released to the world in June 2020. Endless worlds await. PHASMOPHOBIA VR | Immersive Paranormal Activity Ghost Hunting On Oculus Quest 2 via Virtual Desktop Zeena Al-Obaidi October 21, 2020 A new Virtual Desktop update adds a crucial new feature. Your list of installed apps will open up. Having said that, there is an intriguing post on a Trello board, for development goal tracking on the game. Oculus is also working on the Oculus Quest 3 (or Meta Quest 3), which leaves people hoping to see Phasmophobia on the platform. Assuming you would like a blog post discussing how to play Phasmophobia on the Oculus Quest 2 using Virtual Desktop: As you move through the house, keep an eye on your fear level. If this guide really helped you out, please consider checking our other Phasmophobia articles. Phasmophobia if you've got a VR ready pc. Now go into the Video tab and set the video quality to High.5. You can watch the video below. We recommend the wireless method because it eliminates the wires and gives you the complete immersion. Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. First, check the Oculus Link PC requirements to see if you can meet the minimum specs. The goal of GT is to be the best source of easy-to-understand tips and tricks, reviews, original features, hidden cheats and gaming tweaks that will help players worldwide. Given that Phasmophobia can be played on your Quest 2 via your PC, there doesn't appear to be much incentive for Kinetic Games to invest time and money in developing a specific VR version for Quest 2. Can You Play Phasmophobia VR With PC Link Cable Or Wirelessly? A step-by-step guide on how to play Phasmophobia using the Oculus Quest 2.