He has received OT support for the SPD, but the strategies have never been fully integrated into the classroom as several of his teachers have not ever heard of SPD. A student with PSI as the highest index score may indicate a child who is quick to respond, but may not be taking the time to think first (an executive functioning skill). We are just starting that, and it is frustrating to him. I would also recommend using Dragon Dicate for writing assignments at home. I am also very relieved to have found this website. On and on and on. THANK YOU! We had my sons 504 and the team decided to look more into executive functioning skills so a handful of us filled out the BRIEF. You can take it and answer the questions as you view him and then he can take it for himself. (Spelling 116, writing fluency 106, writing samples 118), CTOPP-2 He scored only 6s and 7s on those. He cannot retain the tables enough to use them to calculate problems for fractions. A 2016 study of adults with ADHD . If I glean the information for him, he has no idea what to say. which his teacher said was not a problem. His kindergarten teacher previously specialized in gifted and talented in an international primary school. (elision 11, blending words 17, phenome isolation 9) As others have said, it's not a "problem" or a "disability". It is characterized by the difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. Highly verbal people with challenges interpreting their environment and expressing new or complex ideas in their own terms. Books? How do we guide this discussion so that strategies for program supports are developed for our son and that we do not come off as too knowledgeable for the school team for they seem to be nervous of parents who are aware!! I have a high verbal iq and low performance iq. Full -39%, GAI-75%, CELF Sent Comp 16%, Word Struct 37%, Word Class 5%, Following Dir 25%, Form Sent 84%, Recalling Sent 25% Ive not only broken writing down into outline format, and graph format, literally explaining what each sentence does and is for, but write for him so he doesnt have the stress of trying to physically put words on a page. Then you have an advantage over the person with 16 words. I got your analogy and I will look deep into it and try to gain some insights to understand my self better. We do a fluency testing every day. Use test formats with reduced written output formats (e.g. He is a super-slow processor. Looking at the scores you have given your son does look capable. Intellectual functioning and executive functions in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and specific learning disorder (SLD). Melissa, Poor verbal comprehension often refers to a low verbal IQ. Teach strategies to increase engagement DC has a wide discrepancy between his subtests on the WISC too. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. I have a high verbal iq and low performance iq. I really want a 504 written this year to support his strengths as well as everyone to work on his self esteem and confidence when it comes to academics. Dr. Mullin, my son is bright, energetic, and loads of fun, and he is terrible at school. -Build memory skills by building association to preexisting knowledge. Active Member. This happens in math too as you get better at it. Once he actually gets started on the task though, he can complete it quickly. Digit Span Backward Raw Score 7; Scaled Score 10, LDSF Raw Score 7 I say this as someone who studied psychology of education around such conditions. Verbal IQ: 100; Non-Verbal IQ (Performance IQ? (While our behavioral questionnaires came back showing our son was depressed, the teachers forms came back showing significant behavioral and social problems, and his teacher was quite perplexed by this.) Wisc-iv Canadian English though she goes to school in French I know his brain works differently. A further intensive speech therapy course was recommended, which he completed. I dont have all the breakdown, however he scored 139 verbal and 130 reasoning but only 85 processing speed. Emphasize accuracy rather than speed in evaluating Glen in all subject areas. I believe that children want to do well in school, and while some children are lazy most just dont know what to do or dont have the underlying skills needed to do the work. Organization is a mess.. notebooks, reports, etc. A= Associate it. My name is Kathy Carlson, and my email is kathyjcarlson@gmail.com. (This is a very rough analogy don't take it as actual science.) similarities 17 vocab 16 comprehension 14 He doesnt know what is important even though weve written down the questions. ): 140; Numerical IQ: 150. Heres to the unique traits in all of us! I do worry though at how slow it can be for him to grasp new academic concepts in school. Use the Snap Cubes and Visualizing/Verbalizing Programs to facilitate his ability to conceptualize and process visual information. To understand what these scores really mean, it is essential to look at exactly how these test . working memory: 88 This is a perfect profile for my 33-year-old son who suffers from depression and is unable to keep a job for more than two years. Thanks for writing it and leaving it up. Notify parent of homework and project assignments and due dates. PR 139 We currently do a lot of repetition with math (he does understand the concepts with repetition), reading comprehension exercises and educational therapy, and also speech and OT at school. Do you have any ideas on how to help me get him to form a sentence? eCollection 2019. She was diagnosed with ADD one year ago and is on medication. Improve Working Memory, Processing Speed, Attention and Executive Functioning Skills IQ tests are among the most administered psychological tests. 6 ProcrastinateMoar 5 yr. ago He is now doing very well with reading, but is struggling with mental arithmetic. This has caused a few problems for him, in terms of generating close friendships. Having a high or low IQ won't keep you out of Law school. He was referred to a speech therapist in September after his teacher pointed out the discrepancy between his cognitive capacity and writing skills, in particular poor spelling. I am not sure this is the best method for her Double Deficit diagnosis or should I be looking at other methods of helping her? race, differential detection, socioeconomic status) [8-13]. His notes are good for the moment, although not as good as they could be. My son did not recall that he had taken the tests before, and the psychologist did explain that he felt for a 7 year old this was not an issue. As part of that, Im spending time today trying to research something that I could swear a school psychologist told me years ago. math reasoning 99 sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Oral expression 116 It appears that your school only performed enough testing to get a GAI score. Exercises to increase your daughters understanding of part-to-whole relationships is recommended The psychologist said my son had average literacy skills, and the real reason for referral must have been behavioral, so she sent out an additional GADS form to both myself and his teacher. Reading: Thank you for sharing your experience. We were then called in and told that he was also struggling greatly with maths and writing and fidgeted a lot, but did not appear hyperactive. What if math has always been a large issue? I am happy to share with you anytime. The present study examined a dataset of 1624 WISC-IV profiles of children with a diagnosis of SLD. Healthy study environment early on: proper time management (including a schedule that includes time for studying, socializing and exercising), distraction free study environment; listening comp 98 Does that mean that he will need speech therapy in French aswell? written expression 112 We also had him assessed by a therapist who noticed problems with balance and we started exercises. Medication helps executive functioning skills if there is an attention issue; your son may have Inattentive ADHD (in which case medication may be helpful), or he could just have an executive functioning deficit ( in which case medication is not usually suggested). Importance. The highest score possible is 145, and the lowest score possible is 61; scores between these two extremes represents just one standard deviation from the mean iq for that group. You dont indicate the reason for the assessment and there are no really low scores( her score run from average to superior*) so I dont know what her academic struggle is. This is the third and final article in a series ordered for $3.50 USD by 150 IQ Ganzir (the market has since driven the price up to $15). This is a little complicated and we are very confused! What would you suggest for someone in college. The extreme concentration I had over the constant rhyming but ever changing words caused me to look at the words differently. His lowest sub test was a 6 in Coding and in one of the subtest for working memory. Short term 50 Encourage pre-writing activities such as brainstorming and outlining Use his verbal strengths to talk himself through tasks. Changes in processing speed are likely related to the impact of practice and experience. Which "performance I.Q."??? I took an IQ test when I was 17, however I am still quite confused with some of the result: As you can see there is a huge gap between non-verbal + numerical with verbal IQ. He stares off into space, thinkingforever. Writing, however, is killing both of us. He does not find the content at school challenging at all. His processing speed seems to be crippling. However, I had a meeting at the school the other day (not SpEd- because he doesnt qualify hes too smart-per the school) and all the teachers say he is not completing work because he is too busy talking with his friends, being a class clown, being lazy. I would try to get him fluent in typing and get a computer accommodation for tests and notes. He has a 98% in Spelling. It is not a stand alone service in schools here. The best way to teach him this executive functioning skill is to first make him aware of how much he is thinking and then help him realize that there are multiple solutions to any problem and it is okay to pick whichever one he wants to try. As a consequence they can go farther. Verbal IQ (VIQ) [ edit] Included seven tests and provided two sub-indices; verbal comprehension and working memory . Since his verbal skills are so strong, he will have to be patient to get his ideas out on paper. This is a tough road, and supporting your son properly is key for his success as an adult. His psychiatrist is ordering genetic testing to R/O Williams Syndrome. An occupational therapist has additional tools that can be used to build the hand muscles needed for fluent writing. I finally had the high school test my son, who just finished his Freshman year, for learning disabilities. [5] The software program Inspiration helps with brainstorming all the ideas and getting them out, and then pruning the ideas down to the one you want to use can enable students to get started on a task. Apparently the scores above may be deflated by lack of readiness to do the tests, lack of concentration and arguing about how best to do them! My 8 year old son has recently completed a WISC IV. In other words, there are poor readers who have only phonological deficits without differences in naming speed. The Working Memory Index is often low in children with ADHD. IQ is roughly something like working memory. -Teach your daughter strategies to help her recall information, such as PAR: The Attention Processing Training Program (APT) will help build auditory and verbal attention. It is also worth doing some interventions to help him and a professional can guide you in that direction. Was a measure of rapid naming done? Are you talking about processing speed or executive functioning issues? You note attention issues, so that may be the only issue.There are lots on articles on ADHD and how to manage attention so that students can achieve to their potential. Recent Topics Over 65 years old. He is in 7th grade. Thanks!!! He is actually doing okay now but he is in the slowest classes and his reading, writing, spelling skills arent the best. PSI 121 He scored just over 100 for working memory and just under 100 for processing speed - scores on each subtest were around 10 in each case. Additionally, I suggest you learn to use Inspiration and Dragon Speak Naturally to enable you to organize your thoughts and then dictate them into the computer.These recommendation are from the article titled College Accommodations while it is for students with ADHD but many of the suggestions will be good for you. #1. VCI 98 Her receptive language, recognition and story memory skills are the highest scores and indicate that she can take in and remember verbal information. There is a lot of literature written about executive functioning. In a nutshell, verball = thinking w/words, performance = with objects/pictures. Then the reading out loud was an auditory way to keep my pace and not just skip over text. The Ed Psych said that he had relative dyslexia and required a challenging curriculum with allowances for his literacy skills. https://bitsofwisdomforall.com/working-memory-processing-speed/, https://bitsofwisdomforall.com/metacognition-helps-build-self-regulation-and-executive-functioning-skills/, https://bitsofwisdomforall.com/great-book-processing-speed/, http://www.nldontheweb.org/nldadvancedreading/nldclinicaldescription.html, http://www.ldonline.org/indepth/nonverbal, How to Help a Gifted Student who has Average Processing Speed and Working Memory Skills. Our bottom line is how to we move to the place of finding strategies to assist XXXX in reaching his full potential. He hit the ceiling on some of the subtests. At 7 years my son was struggling in reading, writing, spelling and maths. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. His Perceptual Reasoning Index was in the High Average range (82nd percentile). Compare the two scores, are they similar? I am sorry your bright child is suffering. It took me more than 30 years to find out what went wrong at school, and I finally realize that is was not my fault. Inspiration Program I have a hard time working in groups because Im constantly distracted by the people around me, expecting them to interrupt my thought process any moment. Perhaps we are looking for a magic bullet but we havent seen a lot of improvements yet.