--> Deep Fork WMA might be a better option, or maybe Skiatook/Keystone/Candy Creek. Tour routes of great scenic drives on National Wildlife Refuges. Hunters who want to hunt on this land must possess a hunting permit and an appropriate hunting license. Did anyone hunt this new WMA last year? Concentrate on Burns. To unlock all Public and Private hunting land and to get early access to hundreds of exclusive hunts, please sign up to become a Premium Member. Position yourself in a spot that provides protection from an approaching hunter, such as a tree trunk at least as wide as your shoulders. font size, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, 2023 Connecticut Hunting and Trapping Guide, State-managed Dog Training and Field Trial Areas, Signed written consent of the landowner on official forms, Information on Advanced Hunter Education seminars. "Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge." The Harvest Tag must remain with the turkeyuntil it is cut up for consumption. Furbearers: Coyote, bobcat and raccoon are abundant. Kentucky's largest Wildlife Management Area, Peabody WMA, was second with 165 turkeys harvested. No camping on WMA. Tour routes of great scenic drives on National Wildlife Refuges. To use dogs for stalk hunting of deer or for turkey hunting. Turkey hunters may be contacted by mail, email, or telephone to complete a survey about hunting activities. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. Tagging and Reporting:Immediately upon harvesting a turkey, complete and sign a Harvest Tag and keep it with the carcass at all times. You may not attempt to take turkeys by participating in a cooperative drive. The preserve runs along both banks of the Deep Fork River for about 20 miles (32km). Many hunters enjoy hunting the forested areas for squirrel, rabbit and the largest population of raccoons in the state. For complete conservation passport license info go here. It has excellent access, on the west side through Deep Fork WMA road, and sets halfway between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. Here are some birds you might want to look for at national wildlife refuges and other bird-friendly places. Trout fishing is available at Hood Creek, Walnut Fork Creek, Sarah's Creek and tributaries of each. */ The refuge is a hot spot for bowhunting white-tailed deer. Stay in a fixed location and call birds to you. Open only from Sept. 1 through the end of spring turkey season each year. [2] It is located in Eastern Oklahoma, near the city of Okmulgee. /*-->*/ Bald Eagle: Commonly seen when waterfowl are abundant. Both experienced and first-time turkey hunters stand to benefit from attending these seminars, held each spring, which will provide A-Z hunting information, including safe hunting practices, specialized equipment, calls and decoys, site setup, and other strategies for harvesting turkeys. To use dogs for stalk hunting of deer or for turkey hunting. When another hunter approaches, stay still and yell out hunter over here. Squirrel: Both fox and gray squirrel are common. Fanning: Use of a turkey fan to sneak in on turkeys is strongly discouraged. Waterfowl hunters can experience classic decoy hunting for these puddle ducks in the flooded timber and oxbow lakes of the refuge. I have some questions about a few WMAs, and will share my experiences at others. Except that a dog may be used to hunt turkey during the fall firearms season on private lands only. I recommended this place to an inlaw who doesn't have any private land to hunt and he got a buck during modern gun. There are two lakes in this area and are equipped with boat ramps. #goog-gt-tt {display:none !important;} #goog-gt-tt {display:none !important;} Feb 1, 2017 26 Southern Kentucky. See Tagging and Reporting Requirements. Deer, rabbits, squirrel, turkey, and ducks can also be hunted. But Ive seen deer, turkey, pigs, dove, coyotes, & bobcats. People who use Department-owned areas for nonhunting or nonfishing activities, such as bird-watching or photography, are required to have either a Wildlife Conservation Passport or any current hunting or fishing license issued by the Wildlife Department. In addition, you can harvest as many as five birds total during the spring and fall seasonsone of . We share four tree planting tips from a restoration project at the Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge. Content last updated on November 30, 2022. Bear Muzzleloader, Turkey Fall Gun, Trapping. Primitive camping is allowed on this land. One legal turkey. Trapping in Alabama Physically Disabled Hunting and Fishing Trail Transfer of Possession Deer/Turkey Adult Mentored Hunting Program Fishing Freshwater Fishing Creel and Size Limits Saltwater Fishing Creel and Size Limits Tournaments Freshwater Fishing Public Fishing Lakes Saltwater Fishing Saltwater Registry Snapper Check Information The Harvest Tag must remain with the turkeyuntil it is cut up for consumption. [2], The refuge was established in June 1993 and dedicated in February 1995. Never move, wave, or make turkey sounds to alert another hunter of your presence. Heyburn and Okmulgee are probably fine for squirrels, but they get way too much pressure for deer season to suit me. Jun 30, 2017 9 Louisville. Reservations are sold in advance for the entire season using a lottery type drawing during the "Turkey Tune Up Event," usually held on the second Saturday in February. To use dogs for hunting, training or any purpose from the end of small game season to August 31. Chronic Wasting Disease. The Deep Fork Wildlife Management covers 11,682.28 acres in southern Creek and northern Okfuskee Counties. Always assume that any noise or movement could be another person. It is best to wear a fluorescent orange vest while walking in and out of the woods and carry your harvested bird out of the field in a fluorescent orange carrier. This unit is bounded by Sharp Road on the north and west, Briar Road on the south, and Hwy 75 on the east. One legal turkey. For additional information on the Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge visit our partners athttps://www.fws.gov/refuge/deep-fork. Deep Fork WMA Map Deep Fork WMA Map WMA Legend Game Warden: (918) 244-2035, (918) 533-2679 toehanus Sharpshooter Apr 24, 2013 #4 You might look at keystone and heyburn wmas. 2022 Turkey. Turkey hunting requires a great deal of skill and advance planning to be safe and successful. Stop by your local forest management office and ask to see maps showing areas where fires have recently occurred. Love Valley WMA Lots of roads, some good places to hunt can be exceptionally difficult to get to on foot. Contact: 502-477-9024 Elevation: minimum 520 feet, maximum 980 feet. regular As I don't have a lease to hunt on, I could use some pointers. .goog-te-menu-value:hover {text-decoration:none !important;} We share four tips for getting the most out of your feeder. Deer - good quality bucks hidden in deep ravines with a capacity approximately 15-20 per . [1] Additional land will be purchased from willing sellers as funds are available,[4] and until the refuge reaches its legal limit in size. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The TWRA manages over 1.5 million acres of WMAs statewide for the hundreds of species living in those areas. Register today and take advantage of membership benefits. We share four tree planting tips from a restoration project at the Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge. Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by, Beware, Honobia WMA is Having Parts Leased, Already struggling, Oklahoma farmers face another challenge with diesel shortage, For the guys that say 45acp has too much recoil, Biden admin insists Ohio air is safe after chemical explosion sparks fears. Shotguns must not be capable of holding more than 3 shells. It is bisected on the south by Arkansas Highway 389 and on the north by the south fork of the Little Red River. Centered largely in the floodplain of the Deep Fork of the North Canadian River, the refuge extends along approximately 34 miles of the river in a northwest-southeast direction. Some people make the drive from downstate and camp out. Moreover, alcohol is prohibited on this land. The forested wetlands of Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge are a remnant of a habitat that once covered 2.2 million acres of Oklahoma. 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