For example, when Joshs dad is pulled over by the police officer for a broken taillight, Josh is worried he is going to go to jail. Pulchritudinous! what this means for his family--Dad won't be around to play basketball with him and. Vondie passes to, that they're going to go home. Sons of basketball legend Chuck Da Man Bell, basketball is in their blood. Theyre having a fantastic time, and everyone there is watching. He asks if Josh and, On Christmas Eve. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. His suggestion to write JB a letter again speaks to the power of words and communication. His family unit is strong, though it is not always perfect. Just because he wants to repair his relationship with JB, does not mean he still doesnt have trouble with Alexis. Before. Mom tells JB that Josh has apologized for his mistake, but JB states that he saw the look in Joshs eye and it was not a mistake. Mom tells Jordan she wants to meet his new friend; Dad chimes in that they want to meet the girl who took JB away. We see a strong marriage through the eyes of Josh; a relationship so strong he often alludes to the fact that he knows his parents are having sex; and though this appears to gross him out we can read between the lines to see his relief that all is good. They're the big kids at Beeman, In 1944, a disastrous explosion rocked a Naval base in California called Port Chicago. I believe this book is a strong representation of cultural authenticity. Though Miss Sweet Tea didn't intend to pull the boys apart, she now feels compelled to do so since her loyalty lies with JB and not at all with Josh. Mom smiles and says hell be back on the team in no time, but she warns him not to press his luck. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Second, Alexander increases the sense of foreboding when it comes to Chuck (JBs seeing-a-ghost expression is telling). At lunch, Coach comes over to where Vondie and Josh are and gives Josh a lecture about making up with his brother. Kwame believes that poetry can change the world and he uses it to inspire and empower young people around the world. However, this also means that Dad then isn't properly managing his condition, which puts him at risk of ending up in the hospital for an emergency. At dinner Josh sits next to. Coach gives the team a pep talk.
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forever. Josh chooses to give her the note for his brother and takes the rap for cheating. What was the main purpose of the Declaration of Independence? This week, Josh makes the honor roll, watches the team win Game Nine, eats lunch alone, walks home alone, tries to atone day and night, sits next to JB at dinner (JB moves), does JBs chores (JB says nothing), and says hes sorry (JB doesnt listen). Because the only thing that matters is swish.Because our backboard is splintered. Oh my gosh! Dad's message does much the same thing, though it seems much more in character for Dad. This indicates that coming of age can happen suddenly and horrifically at times. We see the shock wave ripple through the family when all their attempts to help Dad take ownership for his health fails and he dies. We see how angst ridden sibling rivalries can be and how challenging those relationships can be for both parents and children. 0000044218 00000 n
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My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. All of this is better than no girlfriend at all, which is what Josh has. 0000039010 00000 n
So I didnt get the cool dad, I got the academic scholar dad that made me read books. She and Dad did not teach him to be churlish, and she does not know why hes been like this. So, certainly there are some things from my life that have probably creeped into this book. Discover award-winning poet Grace Nichols. "Mom doesn't like us eating out" to "How Do You Spell Trouble? He founded a K-12 writing program called The Write Thing. This Book-in-a-Day writing and publishing program has created more than 3000 student authors. 0000002682 00000 n
Article #1 in the Daily News (December 14). For Josh, having to sit out and watch his team struggle shows him first how hard they've worked--Vondie and JB are still doing reasonably well--but it also shows Josh what an integral part of the team he was and with this, helps reaffirm his desire to get back on the court. How Do You Spell Trouble? This offers some hope that his eventual return will be accepted by all. "I love that word! This is the beginning of a big change in Josh and JBs relationship. H\@. the playoffs are in two days, his grades were good, and the team needs him. His life is broken like puzzle pieces and he can no longer fit. Josh that he's mean and doesn't deserve the distinction, especially after what he did to. Oh my gosh! He and his twin brother Jordanor JBare basketball stars and are best friends on and off the court. This begins to show Josh that if he starts to make amends with her, he might also get JB back. 0000012066 00000 n
We raised nearly 7000 in our online auction! Josh gets a lot of accolades for being the Junior High MVP but Miss Sweet Tea tells him frankly that he is mean and did not deserve that award because of what he did to JB. All rights reserved. Both Joshs parents and basketball coach provide non-didactic moral education for students to consider. I can feel what some of the experiences in the book are like for Josh because I can draw on my own life experiences to empathize with him. Dad picks up the boys; he's cracking jokes, and theyre laughing. Josh tells her hes busy, and she says she will see them at the rec center. v4Hc\ vNWzH`V8tWmQo1tpx5$k;#N#iZ4u&p4$l-&cH hmPw&][H6+^a4e 4)%iixYhRqvQ(9hSha?(_?
Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Dylan DiPietro: How did you react when you learned that The Crossover won the 2015 Newbury Award? (including. Generally, this type of poem focuses on personal moments or feelings or image laden scenes (Tunnell et al. He tells Josh it was something he ate, and he changes the subject to how he just got a coaching job at a nearby college. And Iwonder what's in the notes. I'm not paying attentionto anything he's sayingor to the dummy. Mom sits Josh down. Kwame was also the 2018 NEA Read Across America ambassador. Josh does not know how he went from annoyed to grumpy to churlish. This is a life lesson that many young readers have a strong reaction to and would welcome the opportunity to discuss in a safe environment to voice their anger, fear and outrage. The Wildcats are up by two now. His dad revives and spends nineteen days in the hospital as Josh tries to get used to his new existence alone without JB who used to be his best friend. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. 0000003226 00000 n
They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Outside their classroom, seventh and eighth graders at Rutland Town School are bounce passing and showing off their basketball moves, including the move their latest read was named for the crossover. Dad jokes about the name. Sure. I agree with you that this book has a WEALTH of useful elements (language, theme, characters, etc) and one needs to make sure not to overanalyze but also allow for the enjoyment AND connection of the reader with the story, the language and the characters. His nosebleed and his vomiting are finally enough to get him to let Crystal make him a doctors appointment, but, as the reader will see, it is too little, too late. The two-column structure used in the Crossover's poem "Dear Jordan" is a symbol of: question about the great Gatsby chapter 2: As the boys walk home from practice, Josh peppers, After dinner. He smiles at Mom, gives, happy. Being named the MVP even though he's currently suspended speaks to how good a player Josh is. After the game, in the locker room, unexpected bad event that often results in injuries. When JB and Josh are in a fight, she takes JBs side without question because this is the expectation for her as a girlfriend. One night while on the way to a game, Joshs Dad gets pulled over for a broken taillight. If you could take one poem out of The Crossover to represent one of the themes in the book, which one would it be and why?Choose only one theme and only one poem.Use specific, quoted evidence from the poem to explore and illustrate your ideas. Choose only one theme and only one poem. kresge foundation jobs; dwarf rat vs mouse; sky internet down bolsover; terroni restaurant menu; lewis county, wa breaking news; Josh was estranged from himself when he threw the ball at JB. He also co-founded LEAP for Ghana, an International Literacy Program. game against Olive Branch Junior High, and that the team seemed unhurt by Josh's absence. 0000009461 00000 n
In "Dear Jordan," the poem describes Josh's apology to his brother and his emptiness without him. Dad says he needs to get back on the courthe misses it too much. I don't know 0000001569 00000 n
How are family relationships depicted? Kwame Alexander: Wouldnt it be cool to write a sequel where theyre playing high school basketball, and they go to college and get drafted into the NBA? Josh, 15 On the surface level, this quote refers to Josh's hairhis beloved dreadlocks that he feels differentiate him from others and give him power and charisma on the court. Josh is thrilled to get to play, as he knows that when he and. First, his churlish and aggressive behavior toward his twin has almost severed their relationship. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Family relationships are the epicenter of this novel. For example, Alexis is mostly described by her looks and her loyalty to JB. I was going to sort of remember what I went through during that age and I sort of knew that that was going to be the point of view, from his perspective. Suddenly, Josh sees, team in Italy. worked--the Wildcats won and dedicated the game ball to Dad. Childrens Literature, Briefly(6th ed.). The dialect, slang and colorful personalities of Josh and his family members makes me feel like I am reading about a real family. 0000003945 00000 n
Vondie giggles. 0000010269 00000 n
Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Hes out cold. Mom's phone rings and she shrieks. Seventh grader Dylan DiPietro wonders how that feels. Mom's reminder that behavior like this could land Josh in jail one day again points to the state of race relations in the US--as a black man, Josh is more likely than a white peer to end up in jail for a crime. Dad's decision to make the boys play together speaks to Dad's belief that the boys' shared love of basketball might be enough to help them turn their relationship around. He asks Dad if they can stop at the sneaker store. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. How is this condition highlighted in the narrative? On the way home from the hospital, there is no music and no talking. Dads blood pressure was so high during the game that his nose started bleeding profusely. Kwame Alexander: "Oh my gosh! He adds that Mom said Josh could play if they make it to the championship game. There are sirens. This implies that Josh dropped the proverbial ball when he passed to JB. Shes justifiably annoyed with Josh for the way he treated his brother, but she is capable of moving past that and forgiving Josh, even reaching out to him and inviting him to the Duke game at the very end of the novel. It refers to a basketball move (described in the . Again, Dad's desire to yell at the ref speaks to a desire to feel relevant and useful on the court, even though his playing days are over. Published by on October 25, 2020. "The Crossover THIRD QUARTER to At Noon, in the Gym, with Dad Summary and Analysis". It refers to a basketball move (described in the . At dinner, Mom is still upset about Josh's hair and makes. 0000038553 00000 n
Coach, Dad, and the crowd all scream for Josh to pass the ball. Dad races down the stairs to yell at the ref that what happened to, call the doctor or else. For Josh, however, his world is being turned upside down with Dad's poor health and JB's interest in Miss Sweet Tea, both of which leave Josh feeling alone, so this feels especially fraught for him. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Apology Poem and Epistolary Poem "Dear Jordan" (p. 159) Found Poems "Article #1 in the Daily News (December 14)" (p. 155) "Article #2 in the Daily News (January 14)" (p. 225-226) . What does her reacti When I walk onto the court I prefer silence so I can watch, react, surprise. They are teammates in every sense of the word; able to wordlessly communicate on the court to become the stars of the team. Vondie passes the ball to Josh and Josh passes to. With six seconds to go, the Wildcats are up sixteen points. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Alexiss parents are estranged. Like Dad, Mom is able to take the long view and believe that this is a temporary phase in her sons' lives. In this poem, Josh makes efforts to repair the cracked friendship between him and his brother. Coach isn't worried; he starts blasting his favorite dance music. / together" (159). This suggests that the loneliness was easier to deal with when Josh wasn't the one enforcing it. Joshs Dad gives him the nickname Filthy McNasty after the name of a famous jazz song (and also because he was generally dirty). together. Not affiliated with Harvard College. When JB is brushing his teeth, Josh steals into their room and lays his outlines down on JBs pillow. What does he think, I'm stupid? 0000007293 00000 n
Yes, what attracts the junior high boys to her immediately is her pulchritude, but she quickly reveals herself to be smart, opinionated, talented at basketball, and a caring friend. Speaking of Alexis, even though the main characters of this book are obviously boys, Alexander does not make Alexis merely an object of desire or a dull cipher.