[no-lexicon]On 7 May 2021, the AER approved Ausgrid's annual pricing proposal for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 . financial performance. A webcast in connection with the Annual Report 2020 will be held on 10 February 2021 at 11.00 a.m. (CET) and can be accessed via above link. 2020; Previous Reports. Building on this, we will bring together ICT technologies and our . Our clients rely on our information and data to stay up-to-date on business and industry trends. Complete 2020 Annual Report. Ausgrid is committed to fair dealing and to encouraging competition in contestable markets in compliance with the Ring-fencing Guideline. |3%AoBPPL J2e5SEUdPE9W+^a|%]h3 9@nZ1}0Qhm/<3`[-m$mjXD0*6Y\wk ul=]B0' Annual Report 2008. . Annual Report 2022 (PDF) , opens in a new window. Ausgrid is committed to ensuring it fully complies with the Guideline. Customers will need to will make their own arrangements for services that are not offered by Ausgrid by engaging a suitably qualified electrical contractor. Ausgrid's pricing proposal will be assessed for compliance with the AER's 2019-24 regulatory determination. If you have any questions, comments or need further information, we'd be happy to hear from you. Ausgrid Group, including Revenue and Assets under each Segment, Industries and Geographic Locations Group Annual Report and Accounts 2020/21; Adroddiad Blynyddola Chyfrifon y Grp 2020/21; 2019/20. If you have any questions, comments or need further information, we'd be happy to hear from you. Audit and Risk Committee. 2016 . We outline the ultimate parent and largest shareholders of This means Ausgrid is prohibited to provide some electrical services such as upgrades and repairs within a customers property. Annual Report 2022 ASX Release. Ausgrid's pricing proposal will be assessed for compliance with the AER's 2019-24 regulatory determination. Football and Other Teamsports; . This was after assessing the pricing proposal as compliant with theNational Electricity Rulesand the AER's Final Decision onAusgrid - Determination 2019-24. Annual Report 2022. Performance Data. View the latest annual report for 2021-22. Annual Reports. U0eJ74]&Ingl*]-uA4[> k!tLH!H[l,o bD`Nb8\.a(9>g Zq";^(rD_c_aAgTplI.7[| 5qo #% Annual Report 2017 Download Report. Boral Review 2019. Documents (2) Author. %jj{~RJ6a>x|[ZF}_=b^66cDJR"2X]>a#? Reports. Q2 468.4 KB. Form 10-K. 2020 Annual Report. Management Policy. MOST RECENT 2021 Annual Report. NSW Trains Annual Report 2016-17. Other solutions Asset Impact Climate Risk Platform. endstream endobj 977 0 obj <>stream Stakeholder surveys. be kept up to date with news and events from the Ausgrid team. GRESB and partner Insights $4,539. . Please note. The directors of the Trustee have the power to amend and reissue this financial report. This Network Standard sets out the requirements of recording as-built asset information for Ausgrid's transmission and distribution networks, and third party fibre assets interacting with company assets. Get a clearer picture of The company serves approximately 56 million U . SFDR Reporting Solution Transition Risk Report TCFD Alignment Report. Climate-related financial disclosure from our 2020 Annual Report PDF (128 KB). 2020 Annual Report View Annual Report Download. Older/Archived Annual Reports. Sustainability Report. We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. Within 30 business days of the publication of our Distribution and Transmission Annual Planning Report, we will provide 12 months' worth of interval data based on a fincancial reporting year. Plans have been developed to comply with the Electricity Supply (Safety & Network Management) Regulation 2014. Access the DTAPR mapping portal atdtapr.ausgrid.com.au. The WGEA Data Explorer contains statistics on the gender pay gap, workforce participation, women in leadership and actions to improve workplace gender equality in Australia. Ausgrid Group. %PDF-1.6 % Q1 442.4 KB. Annual Report 2020. FISCAL YEAR 2020 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT. Non-Financial Report 2020: PDF: Human Resources Report 2020: . Distribution and Transmission Annual Planning Report, Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution, Dual Function Asset 10 year Demand Forecast, System Limitation Interval Data - Distribution, System Limitation Interval Data - Dual Function, 11kV Primary Distribution Feeder Capacity, Export & Hosting Capacity Subtransmission network, DTAPR 2021 - Distribution and Transmission Annual Planning Report, transparency of Ausgrids decision making processes to assist non-network providers, other network service providers and connection applicants to make efficient investment decisions, information on Ausgrids distribution assets planning process, covering a minimum five year forward planning period, results of Ausgrids annual planning review, asset condition and other limitations of sub-transmission and distribution assets; and the potential credible solutions to address these limitations, third parties the opportunity to offer alternative proposals to identified network needs, including non-network solutions such as demand management or embedded generation, timely indication of the planned commencement dates for projects that will be subject the, information on Ausgrids demand management activities and actions taken to promote non-network initiatives each year. We outline the key personnel at Register on our Debt Investor Portal to access our Financial results, financial performance. Annual Report 2019 - Download PDF (2.69 MB) Integrated Annual Reports 2019. Boral Review 2017. Interact with our zone-substations and sub-transmission layers through an online portal, to facilitate easy access and viewing of information. The ring-fencing Guideline requires DNSPs to submit to the AER annual reports outlining compliance efforts to meet ring-fencing obligations each regulatory year. NSW Trains Annual Report 2014-15 volume 1. All SEC filings prior to October 1, 1998 are for the former NationsBank Corporation. On behalf of the Board I submit the 2021 Annual Report for D (] o ' } ,}o ]vP > ~^ Z }u v_ . identify trends that signify emerging issues across the industry with a view to developing safety measures or supporting industry safety initiatives where appropriate. Images of employees are featured on the opening spreads of each section, helping to highlight the passion Ausgrid's people share for a cleaner and fairer energy future. Annual Report 2020 incl. Ausgrid can continue to restore power to registered life support customers reliant on life support equipment. About PUMA. Based in North Carolina, TexInnovate became part of Ecofibre in August 2020 and is expected to begin making a meaningful contribution in FY22. Q2 396.7 KB. On 29 May 2019, Ausgrid submitted a revised pricing proposal to correct several minor matters. 2021 Annual Report. Loading. 2020 annual report and 2021 proxy. 2017 Annual Report View Annual Report Download. NAE's report on its work in St. Paul is absolutely loaded with charts . Insights. We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. This Debt Investor Portal provides detailed information on Ausgrids borrowings, debt programs and debt investor briefing. On 14 June 2019, the AER published Ausgrid's approved 2019-20 pricing proposal. UNICEF's 2020 Annual Report underscores how 2020 was a year like no other. PDF (4.7 MB) General Accident plc - 31 December 2020 Financial Statements PDF (369 KB). Our annual reports are a look back at the year that was. Ausgrid Group by position type and title. These submissions are required by the AER'sElectricity Distribution Ring-fencing Guideline. View PDF. 18/11/22. hS0?ZK.vU)R5!oRH$Z3gj>L93>sR0"sB1=4'^DIIhLRW{OI4C}j This 2022 Distribution and Transmission Annual Planning Report (DTAPR) presents the results of Ausgrid's annual planning review of both its distribution and transmission (dual function asset) network conducted since the publication of the previous DTAPR. Annual Report 2019 Download Report. The company also offers advice on energy . Q4 2020 teleconference presentation 1.5 MB. Ausgrid is a partnership between the NSW Government and a consortium consisting of AustralianSuper and IFM Investors that operates, manages and maintains the electricity distribution network that supplies power to approximately 1.7 million homes, businesses and industries located across New South Wales. The AER will consider this report in preparing any AER authored annualreports on compliance. We will continuously increase investment in talent, scientific research, and innovation, in an effort to reshape our foundational technologies. Date. hT Ausgrid Groups associated companies, holding company, joint ventures and trusts, both domestic and international. 2019 Annual Report View Annual Report Download. SGX Annual Report 2018 5.3 MB. Purchase this report or a membership to unlock the full analysis of the capital intensity of this industry. . This financial report covers the Fund as an individual entity, and was authorised for issue by the directors of the Trustee on 10 September 2021. From 2015, our Annual Report has been integrated into the Sustainability Report. Planning for future demand on the network. This was after assessing the pricing proposal as compliant with the National Electricity Rules and the AER's Final Decision on . Q1 395.2 KB. Annual Report 2018 Download Report. Annual 6.1 MB. More about Endeavour Foundation. Welcome to Ausgrid's Debt Investor site. Ausgrid's pricing proposal will be assessed for compliance with the AER's 2019-24 regulatory determination. Online Integrated Sustainability and Financial Report. On 31 March 2021, Ausgrid submitted to the AER an annual pricing proposal for its New South Wales distribution network for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. Version Final. Annual Report 2020. %`jms These submissions are required by the AER'sElectricity Distribution Ring-fencing Guideline. 10,000. Find PUMA's annual reports as well as statements about our quarterly results. 2019. Previous 1 2 Next . Eighth consecutive year of achieving annual production and AISC guidance. Q3 491.6 KB. But not all children have been affected equally. The data is based on reports from more than 4000 employers covering more than 4 million employees. Ausgrid - Annual Ring-fencing Compliance Report 2019-2020 - 30 October 2020, Ausgrid - Annual Ring-fencing Compliance Independent Assessment 2019-2020 - 13 November 2020, Pipeline Capacity Trading and Day Ahead Auction, Compliance issues register: ISP & Actionable RIT-Ts, Public register of non-scheme pipeline exemptions, Regulatory Sandboxing Energy Innovation Toolkit, Guidelines to support the Retailer Reliability Obligation, Ausgrid - electricity distribution network, Electricity Distribution Ring-fencing Guideline. However, some exceptions apply such as for life support customers or for minor repair/restoration services. Ausgrid Annual Ring-Fencing Compliance Report 2021 - 2 May 2022, Ausgrid - Annual Ring-fencing Compliance Independent Assessment 2021 - 2 May 2022, Pipeline Capacity Trading and Day Ahead Auction, Compliance issues register: ISP & Actionable RIT-Ts, Public register of non-scheme pipeline exemptions, Regulatory Sandboxing Energy Innovation Toolkit, Guidelines to support the Retailer Reliability Obligation, Ausgrid - electricity distribution network, Electricity Distribution Ring-fencing Guideline. Amendments: NSA2018 : Amending Network Standard NS100 Field Recording of Network Assets (21 Oct 2020) Organisation chart. The Company generated a consolidated net profit after tax of $ 764,741 compared to a profit of $ 2,425,798 after tax in 2020. Ausgrid Group - Australian Company Profile, Administration & Business Support Services, Professional, Scientific & Technical Services, Specialist Engineering, Infrastructure & Contractors, Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities, D2630 - Electricity Distribution in Australia, Understand a enterprises competitive landscape, Identify industry trends a enterprise is exposed to, Inform your decisions for marketing, strategy and planning, Enterprise Financial Statements and Financial Ratios, Subsidiaries, Shareholders and Ownership Structure. In compiling the information contained on, and accessed through, this website ("Information"), Ausgrid Finance Pty Limited has used reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Information is correct and current at the time of publication but takes no responsibility for any error, omission or defect therein. On 21 May 2019, Ausgrid submitted to the AER an annual pricing proposal for its New South Wales distribution network for the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. Corporate governance. SGX Annual Report 2020: Add Files. Ausgrid Group The political environment, although peaceful, remains turbid. 2020 Letter to Shareholders. On 18 May 2020, the AER approved Ausgrid's annual pricing proposal for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. Maersk Annual Report 2020 4.6 MB. About Us Our Profile Our Logo Vision, Mission and Values Milestones Ownership Structure Organization Structure Group Structure Our Subsidiaries . Governance. Annual 1.6 MB. AGL recognises the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we work, and we acknowledge those communities' continuing connections to their lands, waters and cultures. 2022 Modern Slavery Statement; Energy Charter Disclosures. IBISWorld provides profiles on thousands of leading enterprises across Australia and New Zealand, as well as reports on thousands of industries around the world. 2007 Annual Report 2007. Commission File Number 001-38842 The Guideline prevents Ausgrid, and all other Distribution Network Service Providers, from offering contestable electricity services that can be performed by any qualified electrical contractor. Financial Report 2007. Samsung. Get a full view of Annual Reports. Interact with our zone-substations and sub-transmission layers through an online portal . The 2021 results were impacted by a $ 1,053,030 non -recurring, non -cash expense relating to the $1,361. Ausgrids pricing proposal will be assessed for compliance with the AER's 2019-24 regulatory determination. Bank of America is one of the world's largest financial institutions, serving individuals, small- and middle-market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services. The 2021/22 Annual report and accounts marks the BBC's 100th year in operation. . Ausgrid Group, including registered business details, an enterprise synopsis, SWOT analysis and main brands and products. 2017 Annual Report 2017. Our vision to be a leading energy . Ausgrid Groups financial ratios and growth to peers in their industries of operation for a clearer picture of performance. Ausgrid annual ENSMS performance report Cover Creator Ausgrid Created/Published Sydney, NSW : Ausgrid, 2017- View Catalogue Annual Report and Accounts 2020. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. Use the icons in the top right to switch through different tabs such as . On 29 May 2019, Ausgrid submitted a revised pricing proposal to correct several minor matters. NS100: Field Recording of Network Assets. You can read our Information Sharing Protocol here. . Related documents 19/05/22 Ring-fencing Compliance Report 2020-2021 1.3 Mb 15/01/23 Ausgrid Information register 0.2 Mb 15/01/23 Staff Sharing Register 0.1 Mb 15/01/23 Office Sharing Register 0.1 Mb 15/01/23 Standalone Power . Electricity network performance reports and asset management plans can be downloaded from the links below. AER - Approved Ausgrid 2020-21 Pricing Proposal - Revised - May 2020 - PUBLIC, AER - Ausgrid Electricity Annual Pricing 2020-21 - Letter and Statement of Reasons - PUBLIC, Pipeline Capacity Trading and Day Ahead Auction, Compliance issues register: ISP & Actionable RIT-Ts, Public register of non-scheme pipeline exemptions, Regulatory Sandboxing Energy Innovation Toolkit, Guidelines to support the Retailer Reliability Obligation, Ausgrid - electricity distribution network, Back to Determinations & Access Arrangements. Under such circumstances Ausgrid will carry out the necessary restoration work at no cost to the customer. 7,030KB. B2ef\i|0-sq[xD (8aFUZ @XpaL88=)p733)IR{v,Kua+|2U The AER will consider this report in preparing any AER authored annual reports on compliance. The pandemic has exposed deep inequalities that have existed for too long, with the . Teleconference FY 2020. Annual 2.3 MB. Annual Report 2020 Download Report. Find out more about the history and background of Version Final. DOWNLOAD PUMA ANNUAL REPORT DIGITAL ANNUAL REPORT 2020: 2019. 2019 - 2020 Annual Report Annual Financial Report . NSW Trains Annual Report 2015-16. Annual Reports and Shareholders' Meetings . Annual Report 2019-2020 (3.58 MB) Download(3.57 MB) 4 : Annual Reports 2018-2019 (9 MB) Download(9.00 MB) 5 : Annual Reports 2017-2018 (29.88 MB) Download(29.88 MB) 6 : Annual Report 2016-2017 (8.64 MB) Download(8.12 MB) 7 : Annual Report 2015-2016 (102.75 KB) Download(0.10 MB) . 2019. SEC filings for the pre-merger BankAmerica Corporation are not available through this source. School closures, increased vulnerability to abuse, mental health strains and loss of access to vital services have hurt children deeply. 2013. Financial Report 2008. On 1 April 2020, Ausgrid informed the AER that they would not be able to provide a punctualannual pricing proposal for its New South Wales distribution network for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. Q3 1.4 MB. endstream endobj 979 0 obj <>stream Download the2020/21 Ausgrid Ring-fencing Compliance Report. 2021 Proxy Statement. PDF 11.74 MB. Ausgrid_Annual_Report_2016_FINAL.pdf Download Size 1.85 MB . Q4 554.7 KB. Ausgrid is a partnership between the NSW Government and a consortium consisting of AustralianSuper and IFM Investors that operates, manages and maintains the electricity distribution network that supplies power to approximately 1.7 million homes, businesses and industries located across New South Wales. Downloads. Record Q4-2020 production of 344koz, a 41% increase over Q3-2020 while AISC decreased by 11% to $803/oz. Governance policies. combined Management Report Daimler AG PDF (4.73 MB) - Feb 18, 2021 Q4 & FY 2020 Fact Sheet PDF (0.29 MB) - Feb 18, 2021 Annual Financial Statements (Entity) Daimler AG 2020 PDF (0.49 MB) - Feb 18, 2021 Asset repair and replacement planning. July 31, 2021. Network reports and plans. Gain strategic insight and analysis on 700+ Australian industries (& thousands of global industries). Additional Details. 2018. Note: we do not provide a full financial details for all company profiles. This is PUMA. The report has been prepared in accordance with section 24A of the State Owned Corporations Act (1989) Decades of work to strengthen primary care infrastructure, combat the spread of infectious diseases, and improve nutritional outcomes had helped to provide more people than ever before with the opportunity to lead healthy and productive lives The information gathered through reporting allows IPART to: determine whether ENOs are consistently and effectively meeting statutory obligations. Ausgrid Group, including founding information, past announcements, mergers and major projects. 2021-2022 Annual Report. Endeavour Group operates Australia's largest retail drinks network and portfolio of licensed hotels. Sustainability Report 2008. . 2 Statement of financial position (a) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents includes cash at bank, 2016 Annual Report View Annual Report Download. Peruse our current and past Annual Reports below to see how we're implementing and refining our strategies to ensure shared success alongside our investors. Ausgrid Finance/Hilary George Designation Treasury Operations Manager Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below - Refer to the Online help for the format) Audited financial report for Ausgrid Group for year ended 30 June 2019. Sustainability Report 2007. Events calendar GRESB & industry events. Size. Bank of America Corporation makes no representations or warranties with respect to the information contained herein and takes no responsibility for . The economic environment continues to deteriorate and this increases the overall risk of doing business. 2020-2021 Annual Report. Record FY-2020 production of 908koz, a 40% increase over FY-2019, while AISC increased by 7% to $873/oz. The AER will consider this report in preparing our Annual Ring-fencing Report 2019-2020 which assesses compliance with the Guideline by all relevant distribution businesses. Sp.$ 7qLM=C+GW>;qdfe+C?z h\M1_F~n pRq c4(]TyOXFyB{zzP5XvJ%*j+sJ:s]/Wnkzy 1 ]ZmBi?o14a!oP>\z~ Established by all-profit-to-members Australian superannuation funds, IFM Investors focuses on delivering superior net investment returns to members of superannuation and pension funds and like-minded institutional investors around the world. Understand the main operating divisions of Q3 306.9 KB. Ausgrid Groups performance, with key financial ratios and data on financial growth. Strategy Case studies Reports Responsibility & Community People Planet. Pfizer 2020 Annual Review. Our Sports. operates in. Stock and Bond Information. SGX Annual Report 2019 5.4 MB. $p \r +\X _[CXh/DP 5^A ^ x0opAgq@%(>lCx[h.\Xx]F87 o^\f@gx!8c~x~[x_0WeW5_UX {=M=. Cash from operations is presented on a consolidated basis, which includes activity from discontinued operations related to the separation of Kyndryl.